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Drake University Online Privacy Statement

This document discloses the privacy practices for this web domain ( and all of its subdomains. Please note that Drake Colleges and Schools, Departments and Offices, Centers, 和/或其他威尼斯人网上娱乐单位和附属公司可能有额外的隐私文件. By using this website, 您同意我们根据本隐私声明收集和使用信息.

What information do we gather about you?
我们和我们的第三方供应商收集有关您使用本网站及其所有子域名的某些信息, such as your IP address and browser type. Your session and the pages you visit on these websites will be tracked, but you will remain anonymous. 我们可能会使用您的IP地址来识别您访问我们网站域名的一般地理区域. 我们连接来自不同系统的数据,但不会将IP地址链接到任何个人信息. We may also collect other information as described in this Statement.

What do we use your information for?
我们将向您收集的信息用于系统管理目的, abuse prevention, and to track user trends, and for the other purposes described in this Statement. If you send us an email, the email address you provide may be used to send you information, respond to inquiries, and/or other requests or questions. We will not share, sell, rent, swap, 或未经您的许可,授权任何第三方将您的电子邮件地址用于商业用途. 

用户信息可能会与第三方供应商共享,以提供和改进网络服务或其他与用户的通信. For example, we use third parties such as CrazyEgg and Google Analytics to generate reports on site usage, web traffic, user behavior, and user interests in order to optimize our website for our visitors. We also use geographic, demographic, 和基于兴趣的报告,我们的网站访问者创建自定义受众列表. 我们禁止为此目的而接收用户信息的任何第三方出于为用户利益提供服务以外的任何目的使用或共享用户信息.

在我们认为有必要或适当的情况下,我们也可能向第三方提供您的信息以满足任何适用法律, regulation, legal process or governmental request; detect, prevent or otherwise address fraud, security, or technical issues; or protect our rights and safety and the rights and safety of our users or others.

How is this information collected and how can you opt out?
Google and other third parties may use cookies, web beacons, 以及类似的技术,从这些网站和互联网上的其他地方收集或接收信息,并使用这些信息提供测量服务和目标广告. For more information on Google Analytics, consult their terms of use, privacy practices, and ads settings. 

cookie是存储在您的计算机上的小文件(除非您阻止它们). 我们使用cookie来了解和保存您的偏好以备将来访问,并汇总网站流量和网站互动的数据,以便我们将来提供更好的网站体验和工具. You may disable cookies through your individual browser options. To review or manage the cookies being collected, see our cookie consent list

如果你是加州居民,下面的信息也适用于你. 本节中使用的某些术语具有《威尼斯人网上娱乐》(“CCPA”)中赋予的含义。. 作为加州居民,您有权要求获得更多关于 categories and specific pieces of personal information we have collected, sold and disclosed for a business purpose in the last 12 months. 您也有权要求删除您的个人信息,并选择不出售您的个人信息, if applicable. You may make these requests by filling out the contact form below, or calling 1-515-271-2169. Once we receive your request, 我们将通过要求您提供威尼斯人网上娱乐以及您最近与我们互动的相关信息来验证. 如果您想使用在加州州务卿注册的授权代理人来行使您的权利, 我方可能要求提供证据,证明贵方已向该代理人提供授权书,或该代理人拥有代表贵方提交请求的有效书面授权. 如果您行使《澳门威尼斯人网站》规定的权利,我们不会歧视您.

Other Websites and Cookies
This website may contain links to other websites. 我们对此类网站的隐私惯例或内容概不负责.

Cookies may be set by parties other than us. These “third-party cookies” may, for example, originate from websites such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, 或者其他社交媒体服务,我们的网络域已经实现了“插件”.” Since the cookie policies of these sites change over time, 您应该通过直接访问这些网站的隐私声明页面来确定他们的政策.

Information Protection
本网站有合理的安全措施,以帮助防止损失, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. 然而,没有一种通过互联网传输的方法或电子存储的方法是100%安全的.

Children's Online Privacy Protection (COPPA)
The Child Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA)规范从13岁以下的人在线收集信息. 威尼斯人网上娱乐的政策是避免将其网站或在线服务导向13岁以下的儿童, 或故意收集或维护与13岁以下任何人有关的个人身份信息. If you are a child (under 13 years of age), 请不要通过本网站提供任何个人身份信息. If this has already occurred, 孩子的父母或监护人应立即与威尼斯人网上娱乐联系,以解决隐私问题 form at the bottom of this page so that we can remove such information from our files. 13至18岁的未成年人只能在父母的陪同下使用本网站, legal guardian or other responsible adult.

FERPA是一项联邦法律,它赋予父母查阅子女教育记录的权利, the right to seek to have the records amended, 以及对教育记录中个人身份信息的披露有一定控制权的权利. When a student turns 18 years old, or enters a postsecondary institution at any age, FERPA下的权利从家长转移给学生(“合资格学生”). The FERPA statute is found at 20 U.S.C. § 1232g and the FERPA regulations are found at 34 CFR Part 99.

Changes to this Statement
This Privacy Statement may be amended from time to time. Any such changes will be posted on this page.

Effective Date
The effective date of this statement is December 20, 2019.



Privacy Concerns Contact Form

以下表格的目的是与通信和信息安全人员联系,解决您的问题, issues, 或其他与威尼斯人网上娱乐在线隐私声明相关的问题.

Users may submit comments anonymously, 但请注意,我们的团队将无法回应或提供澄清没有办法回复. 在此表格上所提供的资料只会用作回应意见,不会被储存或记录作其他用途.